The Kolbrin Bible
Includes Planet X and The Kolbrin Bible Connection Paperback and the Kolbrin Media Library (5 eBooks, 10 Audios, 10 Videos)
The Kolbrin Bible predicts an end to life as we know it by a celestial event. The return of a massive space object in a long elliptical orbit around our sun. Known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as the “Destroyer,” the Celts later called it the “Frightener.”

Radio Free Earth
The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Survival Communications
Includes 3-Part Video Series: Why Radio Free Earth
Radio Free Earth shows you how to select and use a wide range of affordable consumer and amateur two-way radios for long-range and short-range communications.
When you finish this book, you will know where to begin, what to buy, when to buy it, and who uses it – fast!

Win-Win Survival Handbook
Prepare for Cooperation –
Not Confrontation
Includes 4 Survival Videos and Audios
With a Win-Win, you build for continuity of life so that, while others are hitting walls, you’re going over speed bumps. Your Plan B is the noble and life-affirming mission to prepare your progeny to colonize distant worlds.