Two Suns in the Sky: Who Lives, Who Dies: Signed Paperback

Two Suns in the Sky: Who Lives, Who Dies: Signed Paperback


Who Lives, Who Dies

Includes eBook Edition and 3 Audios
  • ISBN: 9781546905455
  • Perfect Bound plus eBook
  • Published: 06/03/17
  • 000″ x 9.000″ x 0.260 “
  • 112 Pages, 350 lbs
  • Marshall Masters, Author
  • $9.95

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SKU: TSS1 Category: Tags: ,

A Supplemental Guide for Surviving the Planet X Tribulation

This three-part series was created especially for those in awareness, many of whom are baby boomers who have experienced dreams, visions, and premonitions about the coming Planet X tribulation and the Nibiru Pole Shift. Most since they were children and now as grandparents, they find themselves wrestling with a dilemma of denial, procrastination, and deadly locations.

Many in awareness find themselves standing at the precipice of a difficult question.  Must they acclimate themselves to some form of a death wish so they can die with those they care for, even though it will be the needless result of self-imposed ignorance and denial?

This series tackles this dilemma with a clear message. Step back from that hopeless precipice, embrace your awareness and march forward in a new direction of hope. The first step is to understand the true causalities of denial, for as impenetrable as denial may seem, there are hairline cracks and they can be widened in loving ways.


Unlimited Downloads

Two Suns in the Sky eBook Edition
Two Suns in the Sky: Who Lives, Who Dies Audios
  1. Purposeful Survival for an Enlightened Future
  2. Nibiru Pole Shift – Who Lives, Who Dies
  3. The Survival Power of Perpetual Genesis

Additional information

Weight 0.35 lbs
Dimensions 9.00 × 6.00 × 0.26 in