Home Study System: Signed Hardcover Editions
Home Study System: Signed Hardcover Editions
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This value bundle offers all WSN customers a member discount of 25% and includes the following:
The Kolbrin Bible
Referred to as the “bunker book,” it features ancient survivor accounts of previous Earth disasters, including The Great Deluge (Noah’s Flood) and Exodus. It includes twenty-five media files.
Planet X and The Kolbrin Bible Connection
Warp Speed Now Exclusive: Purchase any edition of The Kolbrin Bible and receive a print copy of this book for free. Greg Jenner is one of the top Planet X historians alive today, and he connects various Planet X predictions from the Bible and various folklore.
Revelation and Planet X
This book is a traveler's guide to surviving the Planet X tribulation with the help of friends and family on both sides of the veil. It features a prophecy timeline by year and season for 2024 through 2037. Learn how the past has led to the present and the things we must do to keep kit and kin together during the hard times ahead to survive, thrive, and enjoy an enlightened Star Trek future.
Win-Win Survival Handbook
Written for small communities of 100 or more people, it offers detailed plans and instructions on organizing, building all-hazards survival structures, and feeding up to 1,000 people a day with underground aquaponics. It includes four survival video and audio media files.
Danjeon Breathing System
We are more aware of the need to boost our immune systems than ever before. This ancient low-impact self-healing energy art offers a time-proven way to help keep colds and touches of flu away and helps alleviate many other routine symptoms. It includes a full-color handbook and six DVDs.
Radio Free Earth
The ability to communicate for local security and to share information with other survivors at great distances will give small groups and communities a considerable advantage. There are many different types of equipment, and this book explains them to you and how you can use them to reach out to others. This book includes the 3-Part Video Series Why Radio Free Earth and explains the first radio you must buy and why.
Surviving the Planet X Tribulation
Governments can and will fail and fall during a global tribulation event, which is why faith-based and non-governmental organizations will be more effective. This book offers leaders a quick and positive way to lead their flocks to safety. It includes two supplemental eBooks plus seven videos and audio media files.